Weekly Meeting - February 5, 2025 at 6:30 pm - Field Trip to Rotary Home
Our evening at Rotary Home was highly enjoyable as we gained insights into this remarkable facility. It serves as a significant resource for our community. We are excited to collaborate with Rotary Home and make a meaningful and positive contribution.
Please read the excerpt below from the Rotary Home Website and visit https://rotaryhome.ca/ to learn more.
The Ottawa Rotary Home was founded in 1982 through the collaborative efforts of the Rotary Club of Ottawa, local community leaders, and organizations dedicated to supporting children with disabilities and their families. Its establishment was driven by a shared vision of creating a place where caregivers and children with disabilities could access quality respite care in Ottawa, Ontario. The Rotary Club of Ottawa played a pivotal role in initiating and championing the project, along with other community stakeholders. Through their dedication and commitment, the Ottawa Rotary Home became a reality, providing invaluable support to families and children with physical disabilities in the Ottawa region.
Today, we are dedicated to being responsive to our community’s needs at every level. Whether it’s an individual seeking support, a family in need of a break, a group with common goals, or a community aiming to create positive change, our mission is to offer the necessary platform. Our organization is rooted in a strong foundation, comprising dedicated staff, supporters, and funders who work diligently to turn aspirations into reality.
We have expanded beyond our primary focus as a children’s service provider and now offer programs for our “graduates,” while also welcoming adults from the community. From our early days, we have extended our services to provide respite for technologically dependent and medically complex children, with a specialized nursing team. Additionally, we offer community support to partner agencies that may not have the medical expertise required to support individuals as they age and face medical complexities.
Our initial board of directors consisted of members from the Rotary Club of Ottawa. Today, our board comprises dedicated Rotarians from various clubs in the greater Ottawa region. These committed individuals volunteer their time to ensure our continued success in meeting the diverse needs of our community.
Rotary Ottawa South is excited to be a major sponsor of an inspiring new concert series in support of the Multifaith House Initiative! This initiative is dedicated to providing safe and supportive housing for those in need, and we believe that music has the power to bring people together for a greater cause.
Proceeds from these concerts will support Multifaith Housing Initiative's newest development at Lebreton Flats - 133 units of safe, affordable and permanent housing where 30 units will be set aside to house Indigenous families.
Join us for an evening of exceptional live music while contributing to a meaningful cause on Friday, March 14, 2025 at 7:20 pm.
ROS Golf Tournament will be held on June 3rd, 2025 at The Meadows Golf and Country Club. We need your help to make it a success!!
Next Golf Committee Meeting is February 12th at 6:30 pm via Zoom.
SAVE THE DATE: The Rotary Club of Kanata is once again hosting their Music Trivia Night on March 28th from 6:30 - 9:30 pm at the Royal Canadian Legion on 70 Hines Rd, Kanata.
Rotary Ottawa South would like to enter a team. If you are interested in being part of the team, please reach out to Kateri. Friends and family members are also welcome to join the ROS team.
Ottawa Rotary Home is celebrating their 40th Anniversary on
Sunday, April 13th, 2025. All Rotary Clubs of District 7040 are invited to attend the celebration. As this is our intended benefactor for our Golf Tournament it would be a great event for us to attend.
RSVP: admin@rotaryhome.ca
Upcoming District Conference
Save the Date! District Conference 2025 (Denim & Diamonds Event)
April 25-26 at the Infinity Convention Centre here in Ottawa.
Save the Date! Rotary International Convention 2025 will be held in Calgary! 21-25 June 2025