Golf Committee Meeting Tonight (January22nd
7:00 pm via Zoom - All members welcome)
Meeting ID: 956 4625 8188
Passcode: 259827
Weekly Meeting - January 22, 2025 at KS on The Keys (Hybrid)
We welcomed three guests:
Stephanie Fragman, Natasha Albert from Eastern Ottawa Resource Centre and Adeola Aderogba who is interested in joining a Rotary Club.
Stephanie Fragman, Executive Director and Natasha Albert, Program Coordinator from the Eastern Ottawa Resource Centre (EORC) were our speakers today.
The Eastern Ottawa Resource Centre is part of what many refer to as the social safety net working within the community to address challenges faced by individuals and families. Whether we are dealing with issues of violence, poverty, aging, health, adolescence, food security, housing or any other of today’s challenges, the Centre is committed to be a welcoming place for all.
The Centre opened its doors in 1979; known as the Gloucester Centre for Community Resources it implemented core services for the residents of the old City Gloucester South and North.
In 1985, it started providing supports to women fleeing abuse, Youth and Crisis Intake. In 1986 the Centre started supporting seniors. The years that followed allowed for more expansion in services to the women and violence program as well as outreach to diverse communities, approving policy and procedures to follow the evolution of its growth. The Centre’s French Language Designation under Bill 8 in 1992 solidified its commitment to serving the francophone community and in 2004 engaged in the development of the provincial francophone Helpline ‘Femme à l’écoute’. The name of the Centre was changed to The Eastern Ottawa Resource Centre to encompass the support that is offered to the greater Eastern Regions of Ottawa. The integration of Cumberland Home Support in 2007 allowed the Centre to expand its reach to seniors and added the adult day program services to the list of already growing services offered to seniors; including transportation, Home help, respite, and foot care to name a few.
The Centre has not only seen growth in programs and services but has also seen an increase in the operational budget from $150,366 to $3,749,991.
In 2016, after more than 30 years in Beacon Hill the centre moved to its new home at the Gloucester Shopping Centre.
We are proud of the hard work that our dedicated staff, volunteers and board of directors have accomplished. We serve a diverse community of urban, suburban and rural neighbourhoods, each with their own strengths, challenges and successes. This work cannot be done without the help of caring local politicians, generous donors, supportive funders, engaged community members and like-minded partners – all of whom have worked together to make our part of the world a better place.
(taken directly from EORC website)
Reminder: ROS Golf Tournament will be held on June 3rd, 2025 at The Meadows Golf and Country Club. We need your help to make it a success!!
SAVE THE DATE: The Rotary Club of Kanata is once again hosting their Music Trivia Night on March 28th from 6:30 - 9:30 pm at the Royal Canadian Legion on 70 Hines Rd, Kanata.
Upcoming District Conference
Save the Date! District Conference 2025 (Denim & Diamonds Event)
April 25-26 at the Infinity Convention Centre here in Ottawa.
Save the Date! Rotary International Convention 2025 will be held in Calgary! 21-25 June 2025