Editor: Scott Vetter, Assistant Editor: Rosemary Parker
Welcome to guest speaker: Andy Rajhathy, Vice-President of ClubEG
David Humphries is still in the hospital, but managing to still make calls for tee signs! Reach out to Dave via email, Facebook, text, etc. He would love to hear from you.
Unfortunately only 50% of RCOS members completed the member survey. (You know what they say, "if you didn't vote, don't complain".) Kateri will compile the results and send that out to all members shortly.
High School Bursary lunch is scheduled for June 14 at KS on the Keys. Be sure to make it to that meeting; it is quite inspiring to hear what the recipients have already accomplished and what they plan to do with their lives.
There will be another Zero-Waste picnic this summer. It was great fun last year so mark it on your calendar... when we have a date, for now just get excited about it.
Organization and sales for RCOS Charity Golf Tournament are going well. We want to do all we can to support our club and the Ottawa Boys and Girls club, so put more effort now into sourcing auction items and selling tee signs. There aren't many foursomes left, so if you know a golfer eager to golf at the private Hunt & Golf Club, tell them to register now!
If you like golf, you'll LOVE this!
Andy Rajhathy, Vice-President of ClubEG came to spread the gospel of golf. With access to 60 golf courses you can be practicing what he preaches across the Ottawa and Outaouais region.
The goal of ClubEG is to promote golf as a fun, challenging and social sport for players at all levels. Membership offers access to most regional golf clubs for only $25 a round. It organizes many leagues, events and trips, providing a fun, family atmosphere for making friends and improving your golf game.
Andy says that "golf is a special sport that you coming back despite some frustration." He continues that "golf always offers something different with many courses, each with many holes, and even the same hole on the same course can be a new challenge with different conditions."
ClubEG organizes the Commissionaire's Ottawa Open which benefis Soldier On. It will be held July 17-23 at Eagle Creek Golf Course, and is part of the PGA Canada Tour.
Click below to find out more about ClubEG and the Commissionaires Ottawa Open, and spread the good word.
Andy Rajhathy of ClubEG joins RCOS President Elect Kateri Clark and RCOS resident Golf Pro, Chris Meechan. (They're probably looking for a fourth.)
Turn Off the lights, or dim the lights, in Peak Bird Migration Times
An environmental minute from Sherri Kelly:
District 7040 Rotary is asking all Rotarians to reduce the impacts of light pollution and join in the international campaign to “Dim the Light for Migrating Birds at Night”
The majority of land birds migrate at night, and May is a peak time in our area for birds to return from their southerly homes. These include flycatchers, warblers, vireos, thrushes, orioles and sparrows.
Birds are frequently attracted to lighting at night, especially during inclement weather events during migration. Unfortunately, lights can cause confusion, disorientation, and exhaustion - directly impacting the ability of birds to reach their breeding destinations. For example, birds disoriented by lights can circle structures for extended periods of time, leading to exhaustion or accelerated use of energy stores critical for migration. In addition, birds attracted to lights on buildings and structures frequently crash into windows and collide with buildings, ending in tragedy. Eliminating unnecessary lighting can significantly reduce bird collisions, while simultaneously reducing energy demands and costs to building owners.
When are birds most likely to be migrating northward? March through May. In our area, the month of May is the average peak time for nocturnal bird migration, especially:
On clear moon-lit nights
When there are steady southerly winds
After sudden increase in temperature
When these conditions are present, go outside shortly after dusk / or dark, and listen - You may hear faint peeps from birds migrating overhead. And you may also enjoy a better view of the nighttime sky.
BirdCast.info for Live bird migration maps. Created by Cornell Lab or Ornithology, these maps show bird migration numbers – right now 300-400 million birds are migrating at night over the U.S.
Reducing nighttime lighting is especially important during peak bird migration periods, and periods of inclement weather.
The solution is simple: We spread the word and dim or turn off exterior lights during migration.