April 24, 2024
Our scheduled speaker couldn’t present today, stay tuned to find out when the Youth
Forests talk will be rescheduled.
Please put on a push for foursomes – the most fun anyone is going to have on a
golf course this summer!
Auction items: keep Julie apprised as to who you are approaching, and what you’ve secured.
This year, we offer the best value and most fun of any golf tournament in the area – tell your friends and help sell foursomes and sponsorships!
Chris would like an update at every golf meeting from members who have been assigned specific tasks - please come prepared. Next meeting is Wednesday, May 1st, 2024 at 11:30 am at KS.
All Ottawa South Rotary Members are encouraged to volunteer at our tournament on Tuesday, June 4th at The Meadows Golf Club, 4335 Hawthorne Road.
Happy Bucks
Many felt overworked, everyone is anxious for spring/summer, Sean’s garden is
growing, Julie is happy that Alex is home for several weeks, Tom is thrilled that his new
granddaughter is home, Lisa is setting down new musical roots, Jeff reported that the
Ukrainian immigrant who stayed with them is getting married, Jonny is ready to get back
on his bike (you’ll get an email), Dave H was sporting a t-shirt that John brought back
from Rome, Dave G is heading to Renfrew in search of a t-shirt, and for some reason
Chris is happy about doing laundry.