The Rotary Club of Ottawa South is thrilled to welcome four new members.
The past two years have been unusual and difficult for most Rotary clubs. COVID has usurped most of our fundraising activities, cancelled our events, and driven each of us into isolation. As we poke our heads out (masked of course) and experiment with in-person meetings and events, we are slowly testing people's comfort levels and readjusting to a more involved and active pace of life. This is a tentative phase for many and it will take some time for clubs to develop the momentum they enjoyed pre-COVID. In this transitional phase, we are especially thrilled to welcome four new members to the Rotary Club of Ottawa South,
Kateri Clark, Membership Chair, welcomed each of the members with an introduction to what Rotary stands for and the important work that is accomplished. The words were not only for the new members; existing members (old and new) benefited from the reminder of the size and strength of Rotary International. The fact that we each play a part in this remarkable organization is both humbling and enabling.
Our club is enriched with the energy and talents of each of our new members. Please welcome them, work with them, and enjoy their camaraderie!
Pictured below are Kateri Clark (Membership Chair), Andre Errett, Bruce Bayne, Dave Gough (President), Dave Humphries, and Stephen Campbell. See more photos here: Welcome New Members June 2022 | Rotary club of Ottawa South (rotaryottawasouth.ca)