Rotary Club Ottawa South helped the Salvation Army raise funds at Loblaws South Keys.
OK, I'm mixing my idioms, but many RCOS members demonstrated their mettle, and many years ago money was collected in an actual kettle or pot. The "kettle" is now a plastic ball. There are no longer bells to be jingled. Few people have change in their pockets these days so the jingling of coins put into the kettle has been replaced by the rasp of folded bills being crammed through the slot. And, this year, the confirming beep of a tapped bank card chimed its appreciation. Times change, things evolve; however the need for Salvation Army services remains.
If you did your grocery shopping on Saturday, December 10 at the South Keys Loblaws, you would have been greeted by an eager Rotarian (or family member). We helped to raise over $1,300, which surpasses recent years. The Errett family (yeah, all five of them came out to support Rotary and the Salvation Army!) discovered a secret weapon... their kids. The appeal of cheery and courteous youth caught shoppers' attention and prompted more giving. Next year we'll try kittens.
The money raised via the Christmas Kettle Campaign funds programs run by the Salvation Army. The money raised at Loblaws South Keys goes directly to the Salvation Army Citadel on Walkley Road, to help people that need assistance in our community.
Thanks to Jeff Sirrs, Rosemary Parker, Kateri Clark, Julie Cugalj, David Humphries, David Oliver, Andre Errett and family, Scott Vetter. And thank you to Rosemary for organizing the event.