After a two-year hiatus due to COVID, the Rotary Ottawa South Charity golf tournament was held on Monday September 26; and we were thrilled to partner with the Ottawa Boys and Girls Club (BGC Ottawa)!
After a two-year hiatus due to COVID, the Rotary Ottawa South Charity golf tournament was held on Monday September 26. Originally scheduled for June 6, it was postponed due to the windstorm that blew through Ottawa a couple days prior. Over 1200 trees were felled at the Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club by the violent storm. They temporarily closed the course and focused on returning the grounds to pristine condition in preparation for the LPGA tournament held there in August. Despite many delays, we were graced with a first-class facility in prime condition and lovely, occasionally sunny, late September weather.We were thrilled to partner with the Boys and Girls Club (BGC) Ottawa this year and look forward to an ongoing relationship. BGC Ottawa positively impacts more than 5,000 youth in our city. They provide more than healthy food, sports, training, peer support ... they provide opportunity and the prospect for a better future. Improving outlooks for youth, their families and our city. BGC Ottawa was truly a partner in this event, participating with a foursome and many volunteers to help make the day a success.Like many Rotary clubs, Rotary Ottawa South is essentially rebuilding our events. COVID did more than halt group interactions for two years, it changed lives and routines which altered the dynamic of our club – simply picking up where we left off in 2019 wasn't an option. We owe great thanks to a handful of dedicated members who led the golf committee through many months of planning and preparation. We were fortunate to have strong volunteer support from the club and "Friends" and we're grateful to the golfers and sponsors and their enthusiasm for the event.Everyone who attended had a wonderful time: golfers relished a challenging and beautiful course; volunteers enjoyed participating; and sponsors appreciated the opportunity to support the BGC Ottawa and Rotary Ottawa South.We're grateful to be able to hold our charity golf tournament again. Bringing people together to appreciate those who are serving our community and support them in their initiatives is at the core of many Rotary functions ... and we seem to have much fun in the process!