Russell Hampton
National Awards Services Inc.
RCOS eBulletin – July 11, 2018
Lunch meeting was held at KS on the Keys      Scribe: Joan Hunter
No guests or speaker today, we enjoyed each other's company and relaxed after working hard on Roses for Mother's Day, Golf Tournament and Polo in the Park Ottawa.
  • Monique, still lacking sleep, was awake enough to thank all the volunteers who helped so wonderfully with Polo in the Park Ottawa. She should have final attendance and proceeds numbers for us at our next meeting. Wounded Warrior was very impressed and said they want to be more involved and help find sponsors for next year.
  • Here are links to some of the press coverage:
  • Gary commented that we collected over 400 forms for the RCOS draw. An email will be sent to each of them inviting them to learn more about RCOS and keeping them in the loop for PITPO 2019.
  • Joan let us know that Patrick Slinn has officially left the club, but will remain a friend of RCOS and continue to help with the website. Patrick has been very helpful in the updates and upgrades to our website (which will continue over the summer).
  • To help our meetings run smoothly and give our speakers uninterrupted time, we will start doing Happy Bucks and 50/50 draw immediately after announcements.
  • Ottawa International Horse Show at Wesley Clover Parks: You can get tickets to enjoy this VIP event for only $60/person per day - and that includes a meal! Daily from Wednesday July 18 to Sunday July 22, times vary, see schedule here. Contact Monique to reserve your tickets asap.
  • Check our website homepage for upcoming meetings and events.
Happy Bucks
Joan Hunter collected our happy bucks, and most of us were grateful that three major events were now done!
Joan also did the 50/50 draw and, surprise, Sam had the lucky ticket. With a sigh relief from the crowd he drew the Jack of Spades, not the Joker. 
We have some wine left over from the PITPO wine tasting for purchase.
Caposaldo Chianti: $15/bottle
St. Francis Sauvignon Blanc: $20/bottle
Caposaldo Pinot Grigio: $13/bottle 
Contact Monique (quickly, will supplies last).
President Joan ended the meeting promptly at 1:30pm.