RoTell - October 19, 2016
RoTell - October 19, 2016
Lunch meeting was held at the Ottawa Golf & Hunt Club      Scribe: Scott Vetter
  • Leva Rouhani (guest speaker), Kalula Kalambay, Dr. Michale Yao
  • District Conference: Oct 28 - 29  Buy your tickets NOW.
  • Monique Warrack reported that Bobbi Sulpher was very appreciative of the help that Sam Monsour and Vaughn McKinney had been providing lately.
  • Dawn Cooper reminded us that our Club will work at the Mission making lunches on Wednesday Nov 30. Our shift is 9 - 11 am. This replaces our lunch meeting that day.
  • Jeff Sirs reminded volunteers helping at Charles Hulse school for Dictionary 4 Life, that they should be at the school at 1:45pm.
  • Joan Hunter said we will need volunteers for our Polo in the Park Ottawa booth at District Conference Friday evening and Satruday (Oct 28 - 29). Those of you who are attending DisCon2016, please speak to Joan.
  • Check our website homepage for upcoming meetings and events.
Happy Bucks
Sam Monsour cordially collected our loonies and happy tales.
Joan Hunter handled teh 50/50 draw and Sam had the winning ticket, but missed picking the Joker from the deck. The pot, suspiciously, still hovers around $100.
Presentation from Speaker
Dawn Cooper introduced our speaker: Leva Rouhani.
Lena is a second year PhD student focusing on girls' education at the University of Ottawa. She was selected as one of Canada's youth leadership representatives to the first Youth Forum at UNCAD14.
The fourteenth session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) took place in Nairobi, Kenya, from 17 to 22 July 2016. The theme was From Decisions to Actions. The Conference featured ministerial debates, high-level round tables, thematic events, a World Investment Forum, a Global Commodities Forum, a Youth Forum and a Civil Society Forum, among other events.
Leva represented Canada very well, making many connections and pushing for more involvement of youth in the process of planning and overseeing sustainable development. It was a passionate and well-delivered presentation.
Ian Warrack thanked Leva for an informative and inspirational talk.
President Peter ended the meeting promptly at 1:30pm.
Russell Hampton
National Awards Services Inc.